Classification and characteristics of flag making fabrics
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Classification and characteristics of flag making fabrics

Release time:2022-06-10 10:38 view:117 次

The fabrics made by the flag mainly include the following categories:

1、 Chunya textile

Features: lightweight, waterproof, durable, widely used, double-sided printing.

Applicable to: team flag, company flag, factory flag, car flag, tour guide flag, public welfare flag, knife flag, etc.

2、 Worsted cloth

Features: durable, outstanding quality, suitable for harsh environment.

Applicable to: racing flag, guide flag, knife flag and navigation flag.

3、 Satin

Features: dense, thick, delicate, quality assurance, glossy surface, single-sided printing.

Applicable to: ceremonial flag, antique flag, ceremonial flag, brocade flag, suidai flag, etc.

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